Our Process: How We Get Things Done
From billing to regulations to the patient-provider relationship, Oncology Revenue Services has the team,
technology and experience to ensure you receive what is due.

It all starts with our process.
Part 1: The Lookback: When a client asks us to review their billing and collections process, in most cases our first step is the lookback. During the lookback process, our team of agents - with an average of more than ten years of experience in the field - will analyze the previous year of billing to identify any warning signs and opportunities.
The lookback is a key part of our process because it:
A: Allows us to capture missed revenue for our client
B: Empowers us to identify the weaknesses in the system, and determine how it can be improved.
If necessary, where the opportunity exists, we will do a rebilling in order to retrieve lost revenue from events that have been previously billed and closed out.
After the lookback, we will work with our clients to determine where the lost revenue opportunities are. We will likely have the ability to get you a significantly reduced denial rate.
Part 2: Training: For our billing clients, our team at Oncology Revenue Services will train your staff on our industry best practices for improving your oncology billing input processes.
The Oncology Revenue Services team of agents have in-depth experience working with both hospital infusion areas and physician-based practices. All our team members are USA-based, and are well-versed in all facets of the billing areas including:
- Billing regulations
- Reimbursement regulations
- Medicare
- Medicaid
- HMOs
- Commercial carriers

When you combine our unmatched experience, state-of-the-art technological tools, and our track record of success, it's easy to see why we consistently achieve the best outcomes for our clients.
Free Up Your Staff: The Benefits of Oncology Revenue Services Handling Your Billing
When Oncology Revenue Services manages your oncology billing and follow-up, you get more than just the industry's only team of Oncology-specific Billing Experts. You also get the freedom to devote more of your staff to the most important part of your practice - your patients.
By letting us manage your billing and follow-up, you have more time and resources to improve the patient experience and enhance daily operations of your facility and/or practice. For hospital-based practices, it has the added benefit of enabling your existing staff to focus on other areas of your accounts receivable.
Our Advanced Technology: Secure, Seamless and Swift
Oncology Revenue Services has the ability to work via secure VPN through remote access directly through your system. This allows you to seamlessly integrate with us, so you can check on our findings in real time, so you can add them to your reporting, planning, and accounting.
The Patient-Provider Relationship
We also understand the importance of the Patient-Provider relationship. That's why we pride ourselves on our unparalleled ability to help patients through the process when they are forced to interact with insurance carriers. We know how special cancer patients are. We also know the stress they are under. That is why we will do everything we can - which can be quite a bit - to minimize any difficulties they may have when it comes to getting their bill paid.

Increase Collections | Improve Compliance | Improve Performance.
Is your practice missing revenue? Get in touch with us to schedule a lookback.
There is no charge for lookback services unless we secure additional payments.